Monday, February 13, 2012

Discussion Question 2 - RACC 2012

Question 2 – RACC 2012
Identify the following organizations and the focus of their activities: ACEJ, WPC, SNYC and STJ. Comment on the Claudette Colvin incident. Give a brief assessment of your OWN opinion of the overall incident. Your statement must include: what crimes she was charged with; the name of her attorney and his legal strategy in pursuing her case; the finding and sentence of the local court. Finally explain how she ended up with the ultimate legal vindication.


  1. The WPC is the Women's Political Council. This group is one of the most important groups concering the Montgomery bus boycott movement. This group consisted mainly of teachers from Alabama State. The head of this group was Jo Ann Robinson, whom I believe was the most important individual in the Montgomery bus boycott movement. STJ is an acronym for the Sojournerss for Truth and Justice.SNYC is the southern negro youth conference. This group was the most promising civil rights organizaion in Alabama in 1944. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal justice for Mrs. Recy Taylor.This is the organization that Rosa Parks worked for detailing rapes. This group was said to have organized the strongest campaign for equal justice to be seen in decade, in 1945. Claudette Colvin was a young African American high school girl that refused to give up her seat on a packed bus in the colored reserved section and preserve segregation because white people and blacks could not sit side by side. The police were called and she still didn't get up. She was later charged with assualt and battery and charged with violating the state segregation laws. Her attorney was Fred Gray and he used Colvin's case to try to challenge the constitutionality of segregation. The court found her guilty of assault and battery, assessed a small fine, and decalred her a juvenile delinquent. The black community rallied around this seemingly harsh punishment given to Colvin. This moment gave women like Jo Ann Robinson the push needed to start a city wide serious boycott. Her punishment would be the fire needed to start what is one of the greatest civil rights movement and would help eventually lead to the end of segregation in the south. I feel that E.D. Nixon could have taken a chance with Colvin. Colvin could have symbolized and had mass appeal with the working class black woman. The black woman that usually was affected the most by the deplorable conditions of treatment on the city bus. She was a straight A student and although she had a "character flaw" in that she was pregnant out of wedlock, her story would have been the true story of a woman, tired of the mistreatment, and ready to take a stand.

  2. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This Committee was formed by Rosa Parks to get justice for Recy Taylor. It launched an international movement that was considered the strongest campaign for equal justice. The Women Political Council (WPC) was an organization that was encouraged to increases political leverage of the black community. They promoted civic involvement, voter registration, and lobbying to get the attention about racist issues. The SNYC stands for the Southern Negro Youth Conference. This is also the defense team that represented the Scottsboro Boys. This conference also updated and informed Alabama residents about news going on. They had meeting to draw attention to the double standards of justice in the South. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice was a short but very important organization for national black women dedicated to womanhood. Claudette Colvin a young teen refused to give up her seat just because a white couple sat beside them. The driver did not like that because he figured that was crossing the color line. The police came and they were raged at her intelligence when she corrected them on a law. They arrested her and charged her with assault and resisting arrest; offended by Fred Gray he proved that these were false allegations and all the charges to be dropped. His case strategy was to show that Colvin did not violate the law because it was not any seats in the color section and under the fourteenth amendment segregation ordinance violated the equal protection clause. He had people to testify that Colvin did no such thing as assault or anything else they accused her of. The court dropped the segregation charge only to convict her and destroy Gray’s strategy. The court did that because finding a black person innocent would not only cause negative views toward the judge but the white would lose his respect which is very unfair and unconstitutional. Her verdict stormed movements. Women began to boycott and wanted the support of Nixon. Although Nixon wanted to help this smart young girl who had become pregnant and she was dark-skinned, he knew that the case would not be won. People like Nixon knew what he was up against and this story would just add to the stereotype of black women.

  3. ACEJ- Alabama Committee for Equal Justice created for eual justice in the support of Recy Taylor.
    WPC-Women political Council- advocated for political involvement of african Americans in the black communities. Lobbying, Voting, and equal rights was also some focuses of this particular organization.
    SYNC- Southern Negro Youth Conference The defense team in support of the Scottsboro Boys
    STJ- Soujurner Truth and Justice
    Claudette colvin was a young black teen who refused to give up her seat on the bus. The situation consisted of no more seats left in the color section of the bus. The bus driver was outraged with Colvin. Upon the arrival of the police, Colvin showed her knowledge of the law. The police were outraged at the fact the she is a young black woman who is educated. Colvin was charged with assault and resisting arrest. Colvin was represented by Fred Gray whom presented a strong case. Gray presented witnesses and evidenct that Colvin didnt violate any laws. The worry of negative outlook on finding a negro inmnocent in court was the controversy of this case. I feel as though this is still going on today. Troy Davis was accused of shooting and killing an Atlanta police. There was no evidence against Davis. Two white cops only stated that they saw Troy Davis. Troy Davis was executed , because no judge would stand for the right thing. If someone had did the right thing instead of worrying about the negative it would brought upon their name, Troy Davis might would have been proven to be innocent.

  4. WPC stands for the Women's Political Council, and was founded by Mary Fair Burks. Under the leadership of Burks, and subsequently Jo Ann Robinson it became a driving force in the entire civil rights movement. In fact, the bus boycotts were the brain child of the WPC; Jo Ann Robinson wanted a boycott far before the boycotts actually happened. The WPC was also involved in voter registration, and consequently Montgomery's government. The STJ was the Sojourners for Truth and Justice. They were an equally "radical" (in the sense that they were not silent in the face of gross mistreatment) women's group. This group focused on protecting black womanhood, a direct opposite of the protection of white womanhood that fueled racism in the Jim Crow South. The SYNC is Southern Negro Youth Congress, a communist infused, (like the STJ), organization that was a branch of New York's National Negro Congress. The SNYC had many black females in leadership positions like Esther Cooper, who would work her way up to executive secretary of the organization in a very short time. The SNYC worked with civil rights organizations, Communists, and unions to spread around the United States the plight of Recy Taylor. I’m not sure what the ACEJ is, but the CEJRT is the Committee for Equal Justice for Mrs. Recy Taylor. This organization was dangerous to the establishment in the South and was what rose up as a result of Rosa Parks' organizational skills after being sent to investigate the Recy Taylor case. The CEJRT was labeled as a communist front but only because, "exposure of [the] historic relationship (between white men and black women) threatened to unravel the racial status quo that held segregated social order together." Most of these organizations, and other black movements during the era were subject to the same red scare tactics. The Claudette Colvin was a victim of the era, an unwed black teen mother who would not give up her seat on the bus when ordered to do so. In court it was proved that Colvin didn’t actually violate any laws, and wasn’t "unruly or abusive", but she was nevertheless charged and convicted of assault and battery. She was also charged with violating state segregation laws, since she didn’t technically violate the city laws (this was later dropped to prevent the defense from challenging the constitutionality of the law). Her lawyer was Fred Davis and his initial plan was to use the case as a springboard to challenge the overall constitutionality of Alabama's segregation laws, but as previously stated, this was prevented. She was initially sentenced to indefinite probation, but on appeal she was assessed a fine and labeled a juvenile delinquent. The way the case turned out legally is to be expected. I feel that the decision to not use Colvin as the face of the boycott was a necessary evil. The black community would not have unified behind an unwed teen mother with dark skin, and if they couldn't unify their own, they had no chance of swaying the feelings of the general white population. This is the same issue discussed in our previous post. The light at the end of the tunnel in Colvin’s story was her final redemption of sorts. She was one of four women plaintiffs in Browder v Gayle (1956), the case that actually ended segregation in all aspects of public life. This case further enforces the fact the women had a key role in the Civil Rights Movements, all the plaintiffs were women.

  5. The WPC is the Women's Political Council. It is a group that started in 1946 and founded by Mary Burks, their main focus was on voting and getting people out there to register . They set up "registration schools" all over the south in churches and also are the real organizers of the infamous Montgomery Bus Boycotts.
    The SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference. The SNYC were the head defense team of the Scottsboro Boys cases in seeking justice for the true victims.
    The STJ stood for the Sojourners for Truth and Justice this was a short lived but dominate voice dedicated to the keeping the dignity of african american women.
    ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. It was created to help support and bring Recy's Taylor's offenders. Along the way it helped many other women seek equal justice in their rape and sexual assault cases.
    In March 1955 Claudette Colvin was on a bus on a bus going home from a long hard day of school when she didn't realize that this day would change her life forever. She was on a bus that was beginning to get crowded. She noticed the bus driver was looking her way because a white women needed her seat. When the bus driver came up to her, she and the women she was sitting next to who was also pregnant at the time were the only ones who needed to give up their seats. The pregnant women moved without any hesitation but Colvin stood her ground and continued to say to the bus driver "my constitutional rights were being violated." As a result of her firm decision to not give up her seat on the bus she was arrested and taken to the local jail. Colvin spoke of how nervous she was after her arrest because she had heard many stories of how women were being sexually assaulted and raped by uniformed officers. In 1956 she finally got her day in court the case is known as Browder v Gayle where she stood trial, she was initially found guilty of disorderly conduct but one of the officers testified he really never heard her getting out of the way or disorderly with the bus driver. Her attorney was fred Davis. Mr. Davis thought this would be a groundbreaking case for Alabama Segregation laws everywhere but that wouldn't work. Later during the case Colvin wasn't so much the "perfect girl" she became an unwed teen mom and people feared this wouldn't make her look good in public. But she would finally receive the vindication she long hoped for, her case pretty much brought an end to the horrible segregation laws here in the state of Alabama. I believe that the Claudette Colvin case led the way to many women beginning to see that a change needed to come. And also it has really opened my eyes to how much of a pivotal role women played in the civil rights movement. Technically if it had not been for the WPC telling women to boycott the buses for ONLY 1 DAY I believe that the bus boycotts would have not started right then.

  6. The WPC is the Women's Political Council, a group that focused on voting. They made grade stides to get African American registered to vote. The SYNC was the Southeren Negro Youth Confeernce. This group was instrumantal in the defense of the Scottsboro Boys. The STJ were the Sojourners for Truth and Justice. This group worked to stand up for African American women who often found themselves falling victims to racial violence. The ACEJ stands for Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This group was created around the Recy Taylor case. Its function was to seek justice in the many sexual assault cases involving women of color.
    The Claudette Covin case is one of significance because it serves to show a young woman's role in the struggle for equal rights. The law at the time stated that blacks sitting had to move if a white passenger needed a seat IF other seating was available. When the bus started to get crowded, the bus driver asked Covin and the pregnant passenger beside her to move. A man gave up his seat to the pregnant woman and Covin refused to move. This move along with her statement which implied that she was somehow equal to the white passengers made the driver furious and he insisted that she be placed under arrest. She was nervous in the back of the police car because she knew what could happen to a black woman in such a position.

  7. Fred Davis was her attorney. He envisioned her case as a groundbraking way to achieve justice and challenge the segregation laws. Her initial sentence was probation but she was eventually cleared.Covin's case could have led to the types of movement that came after the Rosa Parks incidnet. The thing that got in the way was the lack of momentum and planning associated with the actions related to the incident.
    When I look at the Covin case, I believe her case deserves musch more attention than that of Rosa Parks. This is not to discount the role of Rosa Parks in the struggle for Civil Rights, I just think it would be better to place emphasis on the individual acts of courage like that of Ms. Covin instead of the individuals like Dr. King and Rosa Parks that we often focus on. These accounts could serve to inspire the next genreation to make strides toward a better future by taking an individual stand against injustice in all areas of their life.

  8. The WPC is the Women's Political Council, which was founded in Montgomery, AL. This group is important because it was the first to call for the Montgomery Bus Boycott and their focal point was getting people out to register so that they would be able to vote. STJ stands for the Sojourners for Truth and Justice. SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference, which was the defense team that supported the Scottsboro Boys. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice which was created for equal justice for the support of Recy Taylor. Claudette Colvin was a young African American teen that refused to give up her seat on a bus because white people and blacks were not allowed to sit beside each other because of Jim Crow laws. The bus driver took action even further when the police were called and she still did not give up her seat. She was later charged with assault and violating the state segregation laws. Colvin’s attorney, Fred Gray, proved that these allegations were false and the charges were dropped. His case strategy was to show that Colvin did not violate the law because it was not any seats in the color section. The court found her guilty and assessed a small fine. Colvin’s case was one of the flames that started the fire of the movement of the bus boycott, which eventually lead to the desegregation of the south.

  9. The WPC is the Women's Political Council which was founded by Mary Burks in 1946. It called for the rights of African American voting in their communities as well as lobbying and equal rights.
    The SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference and the head defense team of the Scottsboro Boys.
    The STJ stood for the Sojourners for Truth and Justice.Although its term was short, it was a strong voice advocating for the dignity of African American women.
    The ACEJ stands for Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This group was also created around the Recy Taylor case. The primary function of this organization was to seek justice in the many sexual assault cases involving women of color that went unpunished.
    Claudette Colvin was a young African American high school girl who refused to give up her seat on a packed bus in the colored reserved section and preserve segregation because white people and blacks could not sit together. Even when the police were called, she still did not give up her seat. The law at the time stated that blacks sitting had to move if a white passenger needed a seat if other seating was available. As a result of not complying,she was arrested and taken to the local jail. During the car ride, Colvin was very nervous because of the situation she was in. She knew during this time women like her could be taken advantage of and nothing would be done about it. She was later charged with assault and violating the state segregation laws. Colvin's attorney was Fred Davis. In his defense, he proved that the allegations against Colvin were false and, as a result, her charges were dropped. Davis's strategy behind defending Colvin was to show that Colvin did not violate the law because there were no seats in the colored section and ,under the 14th Amendment, segregation ordinance violated the equal protection clause. His strategy also involved people testifying that Colvin did not commit any of the crimes she was accused of. The court dropped the segregation charge only, but they turned around and found her guilty of assault and battery and declared her a juvenile delinquent. In doing so, The court avoided community backlash if they had found her innocent. She had to pay a small fine. This case came to be known as the Browder v. Gayle (1956) case. The significance of her verdict is that her punishment would be the fuel needed to start the Civil Rights Movement and would help eventually lead to the end of segregation in the south.
    In my opinion, someone had to make the move for change. Even though her case was no the primary case to spark the Civil Rights Movement, it played a part in it. The false accusations of this time are ludacris to me because how could a woman beat up any officers. The aspect of the magnitude of Colvin's case is a little saddening because she did not get as much as attention as Rosa Parks, but it does show that women were taking a stand even though the odds were against them. Even though she knew she could be raped and killed, she was defiant anyway. The good thing about her status was that other women could relate, and if it was a woman of higher class I don't believe the case would have had as much impact as the current one.

  10. The Women's Political Cuncil (WPC) was the first group to officially call for a boycott of the bus system during the Montgomery Bus Boycott. After meeting with Recy Taylor, Rosa Parks helped form the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice (ACEJ). With support from local people, she helped organize what the Chicago Defender called the “strongest campaign for equal justice to be seen in a decade.” Eleven years later, this group of homegrown leaders would become better known as the Montgomery Improvement Association. The Southern Negro Youth Conference (SNYC) represented the Scottsboro boys in their case. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice (STJ) attempted to mobilize black women against Jim Crow and U.S. Cold War domestic and foreign policy and to expose violations of African Americans' human rights before the United Nations.
    First off, I think it's a shame that Colvin has been looked over for years and that many people still to this day don't know that she refused to give up her seat BEFORE Rosa Parks even contemplated a thing. Fred Gray, her attorney, presented a strong case, but Colvin was still a black girl disobeying the white man's laws, so they couldn't/wouldn't declare her innocent. She was found guilty of assault and battery and declared a juvenile delinquent.

  11. The Alabama Committee for Equal Justice for Recy Taylor was established by Rosa Parks after she was sent to Abbeville Al in 1944 to investigate the rape of Recy Taylor by two white men. This organization launched an international movement that the Chicago Defender called the strongest campaign for equal justice in a decade. The Women’s Political Council (WPC) of Montgomery, Alabama, was established in 1946 by Mary Fair Burks to inspire African Americans to live above mediocrity, to elevate their thinking, and in general to improve their status as a group.The WPC sought to increase the political leverage of the black community by promoting civic involvement, increasing voter registration, and lobbying city officials to address racist policies. The group’s work expanded to include public protest in 1955, when it helped initiate the Montgomery bus boycott, the event that brought Martin Luther King and the civil rights struggle into the national spotlight. The STJ stood for the Sojourners for Truth and Justice.Although its term was short, it was a strong voice advocating for the dignity of African American women. The Southern Negro Youth Congress was established in 1937 at a conference in Richmond, Virginia. The first gathering of the Southern Negro Youth Congress consisted of a wide range of individuals. Such individuals as representatives from almost all the black colleges in the country, Boy and Girl Scouts, young steel workers, and even members of the YMCA all joined together to form the Southern Negro Youth Congress. Claudette Colvin's incident was just like Rosa Parks only it happened nine months before Rosa Parks. She was arrested and forcefully taken off of the bus in MOntgomery Al because she refused to give her seat saying its her constitutional right to sit in that seat.Colvin was convicted of violating the segregation law and assaul in juvenile court. The case was fought all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declared bus segregation unconstitutional in December 1956. In the end Recy Taylor was charged with disorderly conduct because she constantly talked back to the white police officers telling him he had no right to arrest her. Attorneys decided not to use Colvin in the lawsuit because they wanted to build a case that clearly challenged the legality of bus segregation. Colvin had been charged with disorderly conduct.ALso they did not want Recy Taylor to be the downfall of there win also because she was young and pregnant and not married. Colvin's attornery was ED Nixon which had been a waiting a a bus segregation trial.

  12. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee of Equal Justice created to help bring justice not just for for Recy Taylor but for all woman internationally and help bring equal rights to society. The WPC is the Woman Political Council which was the first to pursue equality,organized to help intellect African Americans. The WPC sought to decrease race issues and increase the black community political involvments by increasing voting, and lobbying. The SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Congress consisting of boys and girls scouts, black colleges representatives and even individuals from YMCA's. STJ was the abbreviation of the Sojourners for Truth and Justice which sought out to help decrease violations against African American woman such as voting laws and human rights. Claudette Colvin case was as much significant as Rosa Parks or maybe even more. Claudette was charged with assault and violating segregation laws because she was an educated black woman who stood up for her rights, and took a stand toward equality that she deserved. Her attourney, Fred Gray, presented a well established case presenting that segregation ordinance violated the 14th amendment; however, the court dropped the segregation charge but Claudette disobeyed laws that were established by whites and she was charged with assault and battery, which pronounced her a juvenile delinquent. This case was a platform for woman of Claudette's kind to relate to which help establish a place for women in the civl and political movements.

  13. The ACEJ (Alabama Committee for Equal Justice was) for Recy Taylor by Rosa Parks with the help of national labor union, African-American organizations, women's groups, and her allies who included E.D. Nixon, Rufus A. Lewis, and E.G. Jackson. It became national by the spring of 1945 and was referred to as the "strongest campaign for equal justice to be seen in a decade." The WPC (Women's Political Council) mainly consisted of public school teachers and faculty members at the Alabama State College, their aim was focused at working toward suffrage by setting up "registration schools" and political awareness and involvement among African Americans. They earned a reputation as the "most militant and uncompromising voice" for blacks in the Cradle of the Confederacy" The SNYC (Southern Negro Youth Congress)was an outgrowth of the left-wng, New york based National Negro Congress but was perhaps the most promising civil rights organization in Alabama during the late 1940's. Through this orgization, it was stated that Recy Taylor's story went from the back roads of Alabama to the corners of Harlem. The STJ (Sojourners for Truh and Justice)was a short-lived but important national black womens organization dedicated to "the full dignity of Negro womanhood". Claudette Colvin, who was a fifteen-year-old high school student, had a case was similar to that of Rosa Parks. She haad been manhandled and arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. Her attorney was 24 year old Fred Gray. He argued that segregation ordinances on the city buses violated the 14th Amendment and also the law regarding having to give up a seat. The judge found her guilty of assault and battery and charged her with violating the state segregation laws and sentenced her to indefinite probation. Her case, although she wasn't used, served as the launching pad for the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

  14. The Women Political Council (WPC) encouraged increased political leverage in the black community. They promoted civic involvement, voter registration, and lobbied to get attention about race issues. The Alabama Committee for Equal Justice (ACEJ) was formed by Rosa Parks while fighting for justice on behalf of Recy Taylor. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice was a short- run organization; however it was dedicated to advocating for black women. The Southern Negro Youth Conference (SNYC) was the defense team that represented the Scottsboro Boys. Claudette Colvin was a teenage girl who refused to give up her seat, because a white couple sat beside her on a bus. The bus driver saw this as a problem because he felt that color lines had been crossed. Ultimately, she was arrested and charged with assault and resisting arrest. Fred Davis defended Ms. Colvin and he proved the allegations false and all charges were dropped. The case strategy used showed that Colvin did not violate the law because there were no seats in the color section and under the fourteenth amendment the segregation ordinance violated the equal protection clause. The court dropped the segregation charges, but in return convicted and destroyed Davis’s strategy. The decisions of this case more than outraged the black community, and initiated the efforts of the bus boycott.

  15. The ACEJ or the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice was created for equal justice in the support of Recy Taylor. The WPC or the Women Political Council had advocated for political involvement of African Americans in the black communities. The SYNC or the Southern Negro Youth Conference represented the Scottsboro boys in their case. And finally there was the STJ or the Soujurner Truth and Justice supported the voting rights of women.

    Claudette colvin was a young teenaged girl who refused to give up her seat on the bus. The whole situation was just that there were no more seats left in the color section of the bus. And, when a white couple sat beside her the bus driver had gotten outraged with Colvin. When the police arrived, Colvin showed that she had knowledge of the law and defended herself well. The police wasnt pleased at the fact the she was able to defend herself in such a manner so they charged her with assault and resisting arrest. Colvin was represented by Fred Gray whom presented a strong case. Gray presented witnesses and evidence that Colvin didnt violate any laws. But, of course that wasnt strong enough back in the day so they found her guilty.

  16. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee of Equal Justice. It was founded to bring Recy Taylor's offenders to justice. The WPC is the Women's Political Council, which was founded in Montgomery, AL it lobbyed for equal rights. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This Committee was formed by Rosa Parks to get justice for Recy Taylor. SYNC- Southern Negro Youth Conference The defense team in support of the Scottsboro Boys. Claudette Colvin was a teenager who refused to give up her seat on abuss to a white couple. It seemed that Jim Crow wasnt the only las she broke. It almost appeared that she was alos gulity for being knowledgable of the law. She was then charged with assault because she fought back verbally. The NAACP decided not to use Colvin as their perfect exapmple of uneccesary discrimination.

  17. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee of Equal Justice created to help bring justice not just for for Recy Taylor but for all woman internationally and help bring equal rights to society.The WPC is the Womens Political Coucil foundede in Montgomery Alabama lobby for womens rights the set up workshops throughout the city to help others get registered to voteThe SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference and the head defense team of the Scottsboro Boys. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice was a short but very important organization for national black women dedicated to womanhood.Claudette Colvin was a young teen who also refuse to give up her seat .Colvin who did not break the law because the law states that she would have to to get up only if there were seat available was taken to jail because she knew the law apparently.The case went all the way to the the supreme court the court dropped the segregation charge only, but they turned around and found her guilty of assault and battery and declared her a juvenile delinquent. Fred Gray who was her attorny proved to the cort that Colvin did not break any laws and only requested that she paid a fine. This case opened the door for the Bus Boycott .She ended up with the ultimate legal conviction because she was able to open the door to one of the greatest events in history and the fact that she was a child had a even greater impact.

  18. The ACEJ or the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice was created for equal justice in the support of Recy Taylor. The WPC or the Women Political Council had advocated for political involvement of African Americans in the black communities. The SYNC or the Southern Negro Youth Conference represented the Scottsboro boys in their case. And finally there was the STJ or the Soujurner Truth and Justice supported the voting rights of women.

    Claudette Colvin's incident was just like Rosa Parks only it happened nine months before Rosa Parks. She was arrested and forcefully taken off of the bus in Montgomery Al because she refused to give her seat saying its her constitutional right to sit in that seat.Colvin was convicted of violating the segregation law and assaul in juvenile court. The case was fought all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which declared unconstitutional.

  19. ACEJ= The Alabama Committe for Equal Justice- Formed by Rosa Parks and her allies from Nation Labor Unions, Womens groups and other African American Organizations. This group playeda pivitol role in recruiting onther members from across the counrty in efforts for equal justice.
    WPC= Womens Political Council-The WPC formed in 1946 as a civic organization for African American professional women in the city of Montgomery, Alabama. It was inspired by the Atlanta Neighborhood Union, with which it shared middle-class membership with many of the members active in education; most of WPC's members were educators at Alabama State College or Montgomery's public schools. WPC also played an important role in the montgomery bus boycott as well.
    SNYC-Southern Negro Youth Conference-The Southern Negro Youth Congress felt that the major threat to the role of democracy was not communism or socialism but rather fascism was the biggest threat, not only to the black population but also a major threat to the white population as well. Many members of the Southern Negro Youth Congress felt that it was a great organization because it allowed people to not only settle into the Southern areas but also take action to change it for the better as well.A prominent female secretary in this group was Esther V. Cooper.
    STJ- Sojourners for Truth and Justice- is a women's radical protest organization, and its human rights agenda during the early Cold War. The first and only group in the Communist Left led by African American women, the Sojourners formulated a black left feminism, a distinct politics that combined Communist Party positions on race, gender, and class with black nationalism and black radical women's own lived experiences that paid special attention to the intersectional, transnational nature of their oppression across the diaspora.
    Claudette Colvin was a young lady from Montgomery AL who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white women. She was arrested at the age of 15 and Rosa Parks came to her aid. Her case was known as the Borwder vs. Gayle trial.Her attornerys were that of Robert Carter and Thurgood Marshall.The case was fought all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court (which declared bus segregation unconstitutional in December 1956).

  20. The Acej is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice created for eual justice in the support of Recy Taylor. The WPC is the Women political Council advocated for political involvement of african Americans in the black communities which helped for voting, and equal rights was also some focuses of this particular organization. The SYNC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference The defense team in support of the Scottsboro Boys. The STJ is the Sojourner Truth and Justice. Claudette Colvin was a young teenage girl who refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white woman. Only 15 years of age and her first time being arrested Rosa Parks came to help her. In 1956 the case was eventually brought to the U.S. Supreme Court which ultimately lead to them making bus segregation unconstitutional.

  21. The WPC is the Women's Political Council which was founded by Mary Burks in 1946. This organization fought for the rights of African American voting in their communities as well as lobbying and equal rights.
    The SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference and the head defense team of the Scottsboro Boys.
    The STJ is the Sojourners for Truth and Justice.Although its term was short, it was a strong voice advocating for the dignity of African American women.
    The ACEJ stands for Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This group also provide representation and assistance around the Recy Taylor case. The primary function of this organization was to seek justice in the many sexual assault cases involving women of color that went unpunished.
    In 1955 at the age of 15, Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on the Montgomery Bus to white male which was a violation of local law at the time. Her lawyer was Fred Davis. He planned to use the case to challenge the overall constitutionality of Alabama's segregation laws. She was initially sentenced to indefinite probation, but on appeal she was assessed a fine and labeled a juvenile delinquent. The way the case turned out legally is to be expected.

  22. ACEJ stands for the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. Formed by Rosa Parks, this group was created to support Recy Taylor in her quest for justice and other black women who had been sexually assualted.
    WPC is the Women's Political Council founded in Montgomery, AL in 1946 by Mary Burks. Most of it's members were professors at Alabama State College. Not only did this organization fight for the rights of black voters, it also focused its efforts on the Bus Boycott .
    STJ, the Sojourners for Truth and Justice, was a short-lived black women's radical protest organization. The Sojourners attempted to mobilize black women against Jim Crow and U.S. Cold War domestic and foreign policy and to expose violations of African Americans' human rights before the United Nations.
    SNYC stands for the Southern Negro Youth Conference. They represented the Scottsbourough boys in their case. In addition to representing the wrongfully accused Scottsborough boys, they were also instrumental into keeping black informed about political and social changes that were affecting the black community.
    I am grateful for women like Claudette Colvin, a young teen who refused to give up her seat months before a "bus boycott" was even thought to be an option. Her bravery casued her to be charged with assualt and battery and disorderly conduct. Her attorney, Fred Gray, used Colvin's case to to challenge segregation as unconstitutional. The court found her guilty of assault and battery, sanctioned her with a small fine, and declared her a juvenile delinquent. After the arrest, she found it difficult to find work and had to leave Montgomery to find means to provide for her son. Dark skinned and laden with a child born out of wedlock, her character was not "pure enough" to be the face of the boycott. I don't know if i agree with this decision but i most certainly understand it. Ed. Nixon and the other organizers did what they felt was appropriate to accomplish their goals. Her ultimate legal vindication would be when segragation was finally be outlawed. Her actions were the catalyst to a civil right's movement that would shock the nation and finally grant African American's their constitutional rights.

  23. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice that was for Recy Taylor. It is also the organization that Rosa Parked worked for while detailing the rape cases. WPC is the Women’s Political Council. SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference that had the task of representing the Scottsboro Boys. They helped facilitate the news of injustice and black misfortune throughout. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice was an organization with its primary focus on womanhood. However, it didn’t last as long as all of the others. Claudette Colvin was a black lady that refused to give up her seat because a white couple had sat beside her. She was in a colored section of a densely packed bus. She was told to give up her seat; however, she did not deem it necessary. Ultimately the police was called to the scene and they too asked her to give up her seat. However, her perseverance of refusal went unabated. She was charged with assault and battery and for her violation of the segregation laws. Fred Grey, her attorney, decided that this was the case to form the platform to dismantle segregation laws. She was deemed a juvenile delinquent and was found guilty of battery and assault. This verdict brought about huge protests in masse. Women especially came out in defiance of the mistreatment of one of their own, one in which so many could relate. They formulated boycotts and protest of all sorts. Nixon I believe fell victim to the status quo which outlined what kind of symbol they desired thereby saying exactly what whites were saying, that she was just not good enough.

  24. The ACEJ was an organization created by Rosa Parks called the Alabama Committee for the Equal Justice. This group was organized to support Recy Taylor. The WPC is the Women's Political Council which fought for blacks' voting rights. SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference. This group represented the Scottsboro Boys. STJ, the Soujourners for Truth and Justice, was an organization of women formed to protest the Jim Crow laws and other injustices against African Americans.
    Claudette Colvin was a courageous woman who refused to give up her seat. She maintained that it was her constitutional right to seat where she pleased on the bus. She was charged with assualt and disorderly conduct after the altercation. Her lawyer Fred Gray, argued that her civil liberties were viloated and that segragation was unconstituional. Colvin was found guilty and fined. She would finally be vindigated when segregation became outlawed.

  25. Colvin was the first black woman to refuse to give up her seat on the bus. The NAACP did not want to defend her case or put it in the press because of her appearance. She was a young girl unmarried and pregnant and they felt that she would not fit the image. She did not do anything wrong, and was brutally humiliated. They charged her with disorderly conduct but the charges were dropped. The Alabama Committee for Equal Justice for Recy Taylor was established by Rosa Parks after she was sent to Abbeville Al in 1944 to investigate the rape of Recy Taylor by two white men. This organization launched an international movement that the Chicago Defender called the strongest campaign for equal justice in a decade. The Women’s Political Council (WPC) of Montgomery, Alabama, was established in 1946 by Mary Fair Burks to inspire African Americans to live above mediocrity, to elevate their thinking, and in general to improve their status as a group.The WPC sought to increase the political leverage of the black community by promoting civic involvement, increasing voter registration, and lobbying city officials to address racist policies. The group’s work expanded to include public protest in 1955, when it helped initiate the Montgomery bus boycott, the event that brought Martin Luther King and the civil rights struggle into the national spotlight. The STJ stood for the Sojourners for Truth and Justice.Although its term was short, it was a strong voice advocating for the dignity of African American women. The Southern Negro Youth Congress was established in 1937 at a conference in Richmond, Virginia. The first gathering of the Southern Negro Youth Congress consisted of a wide range of individuals. Such individuals as representatives from almost all the black colleges in the country, Boy and Girl Scouts, young steel workers, and even members of the YMCA all joined together to form the Southern Negro Youth Congress.

  26. The WPC is the Women's Political Council. One of the most important groups concering the Montgomery bus boycott movement. The WPC was made up of mainly of teachers from Alabama State. The head of the group was Jo Ann Robinson. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice this is the committee that was made for Recy Taylor. It's also the organization that Rosa Parked worked on when she was investing other rape cases similar to Taylors'. The STJ stands for the Sojournerss for Truth and Justice, this organization had the primary interest women empowerment and womanhood. The SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference and the head defense team for the Scottsboro Boys.

    The Claudette Colvin case was clearly an important stepping stone in ending the racial segregation on the bus system in montgomery. I don't agree with how E.D. Nixon went about handling the issue as far as not using Claudette as the face of the movement but I do understand were his concerns came in at. Colvin who was charged with breaking the segregation ordinances along with assault and battery was a 15 year old high school who was arrested after standing her ground and not giving up her seat to a white man. While what happened to her was a great injustice Nixon from the NAACP felt that Colvin didn't have the best background to with stand trial in court. As time passed Colvin was put into a group with 3 other women who faced similar charges. Their case was called Browder V. Gayle. The lead attorney on the case was Fred Gray. Since Nixon knew that it would be difficult to get Parks case to a supreme court trial they took the other for women and filled a class action suit. They set out to prove that the segregation on the bus violated the 14 amendment. Though Colvin and the other 3 ladies may not be deemed the mother to the Civil Rights Movement their case ultimately and legally ended racial segregation on the bus systems in Montgomery, AL.

    1. The ACEJ, also known as the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice, was created for equal justice in the support of Recy Taylor. The WPC stands for the Women Political Council. This organization advocated for political involvement of African Americans in the black communities. The Southern Negro Youth Conference (SNYC) represented the Scottsboro boys in their case. The STJ or the Soujurner Truth and Justice supported the voting rights of women. The incident that took place with Claudette Colvin started when the young African American girl refused to give up her seat in the colored section because the bus driver felt it went against color lines. The bus was crowded and a white couple sat next to Claudette. When Claudette refused to get up, she was arrested and charged with assault and resisting arrest. Fred Gray represented her and used strategies. As a result he proved that these were false allegations and all the charges to be dropped. However, in the end, she was found guilty. The whites simply could not allow blacks to win a case.

  27. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This Committee was formed by Rosa Parks to get justice for Recy Taylor. It launched an international movement that was considered the strongest campaign for equal justice. The Women Political Council (WPC) was an organization that was encouraged to increases political leverage of the black community. They promoted civic involvement, voter registration, and lobbying to get the attention about racist issues. The SNYC stands for the Southern Negro Youth Conference. This is also the defense team that represented the Scottsboro Boys. This conference also updated and informed Alabama residents about news going on. They had meeting to draw attention to the double standards of justice in the South. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice was a short but very important organization for national black women dedicated to womanhood. Claudette Colvin a young teen refused to give up her seat just because a white couple sat beside them. The driver did not like that because he figured that was crossing the color line. The police came and they were raged at her intelligence when she corrected them on a law. They arrested her and charged her with assault and resisting arrest; offended by Fred Gray he proved that these were false allegations and all the charges to be dropped. His case strategy was to show that Colvin did not violate the law because it was not any seats in the color section and under the fourteenth amendment segregation ordinance violated the equal protection clause. He had people to testify that Colvin did no such thing as assault or anything else they accused her of. The court dropped the segregation charge only to convict her and destroy Gray’s strategy. The court did that because finding a black person innocent would not only cause negative views toward the judge but the white would lose his respect which is very unfair and unconstitutional. Her verdict stormed movements. Women began to boycott and wanted the support of Nixon. Although Nixon wanted to help this smart young girl who had become pregnant and she was dark-skinned, he knew that the case would not be won. People like Nixon knew what he was up against and this story would just add to the stereotype of black women. I feel as though it was horrible that black women could not get a break. It seems as though the system went out of their way to cause hell in black women's lives

  28. The Alabama Committee for Equal Justice (ACEJ) was created by Rosa Parks to support Recy Taylor and other victims of sexual assault. The Women's Political Council (WPC) formed in 1946 as a civic organization for African American professional women in the city of Montgomery, Alabama. Members included Mary Fair Burks, Jo Ann Robinson, Irene West, and Uretta Adair. The WPC was the first group to officially call for a boycott of the bus system during the Montgomery Bus Boycott.The Southern Negro Youth Congress (SNYC) was established in 1937 at a conference in Richmond, Virginia with representatives from almost all the black colleges in the country, Boy and Girl Scouts, young steel workers, and even members of the YMCA. The Southern Negro Youth Congress felt that the major threat to the role of democracy was not communism or socialism but rather fascism was the biggest threat, not only to the black population but also a major threat to the white population as well. Many members of the Southern Negro Youth Congress felt that it was a great organization because it allowed people to not only settle into the Southern areas but also take action to change it for the better as well. They performed such studies as taking items being purchased in a black community and then comparing the prices to those same items being purchased in a white community. This study showed that prices for the same goods were 20-30% higher in the black communities then they were in the white communities, which meant that the citizens who were struggling most to survive were actually paying higher prices for the items that were necessary for them to live. The Sojourners for Truth and Justice (STJ) was a short but strong voice advocating for the dignity of African American women. Claudette Colvin is a pioneer of the African-American civil rights movement. She was the first person to resist bus segregation in Montgomery, Alabama, preceding the better known Rosa Parks incident by nine months. Colvin was charged with assualt and disorderly conduct after the altercation. Her lawyer was Fred Gray. He argued that her civil liberties were viloated and that segragation was unconstituional. Colvin was found guilty and fined.The court case stemming from her refusal to give up her seat on the bus, decided by the U.S. District Court, ended bus segregation in Alabama. Montgomery's black leaders did not publicize Colvin's pioneering effort for long because she was a teenager and became pregnant while unmarried. The NAACP leaders worried about using her to represent their movement, given the social norms of the time.

    Although I am disturbed by the fact that Ms. Colvin was found guilty it does not surprise me for this time. I do agree with the NAACP for not advertising her case. Some cases are meant to be groundbreakers for future cases to solve the problem. Unfortunately, the problem of this time was Civil Rights when adding on the problems of an unwed mother to be, it was too risky to move forward with publicizing her case with her condition during these conservative times when trying to rally support for a movement.

  29. The ACEJ is the Alabama Committee for Equal Justice. This committee was created especially for Recy Taylor by Rosa Parks. The WPC is the Womens Political Council. It was made up primarily of black teachers who fought for African American voting rights and other civil rights for African Americans. The SNYC is the Southern Negro Youth Conference.This committe represented the Scottsboro boys. The STJ or The Sojourners for Truth and Justice fought for the civil rights and liberties of African Americans such as voting rights. All these groups were very essential in showing a voice for African Americans. Claudette Colvin was a young African American woman who refused to give up her seat one day on a crowded segregated bus. The police were called and they arrested and charged her with assault and battery and violating the state segregation laws. Claudette Colvin was found guilty on the assault and battery charges and called her a juvenille deliquient. Her attorney was Mr Fred Gray. In his defense,he challenged segregation. The case was taken all the way to the Supreme Court where is was found unconstitutional. This was only a start for African Americans. Claudette Colvin begin to pave a way. She showed us that anything is possible when you stand up for what you believe in.

  30. The ACEJ, started by Rosa Parks and her allies, which stands for the Alabama Committee of Equal Justice, to help Recy Taylor and other rape victims. The WPC stands for the Women's Political Council. It was formed in 1946 civic organization for African American professional women in the city of Montgomery, Alabama and these women fought for voting rights. The SNYC stands for the Southern Negro Youth Conference. These were people that represented the Scottsboro boys.The STJ stood for The Sojourners for Truth and Justice, and supported voting rights of women.Claudette Colvin was a woman who refused to give up her seat on crowned bus 9 months before the more famous Rosa Parks did. Colvin ended up being charges with disorderly conduct and assault. Fred Gray was Claudette Colvin's attorney, and he challenged segregation and the breaking of her civil liberties in the case. She was found guilty in the case and was assessed a fine and stamped a juvenile delinquent.

  31. The Women's Political Council or WPC was a group of mostly Alabama State teachers headed by Jo Ann Robinson. The SNYC was the Southern Negro Youth conference who also was involved in the defense of the Scottsboro Boys. The ACEJ(Alabama Commitee for Equal Justice) for Recy Taylor was a group that Rosa Parks worked with. Claudette Colvin was a teenage girl who refused to give her seat up to a white couple. Although her resistance preceded the action of Rosa Parks, she has not been recognized for contribution to the movement. Colvin was charged w/ assault and battery along with violating state segregation laws. Her attorney, Fred Gray used the case to challenge segregation as a violation of the constitution. The violation of state segregation law was dropped but she was found guilty of assault and battery and labeled a juvenile delinquent. Colvin's case added pressure for a city wide bus boycott
